Social Media Policy

Social media may be a huge opportunity for your employees to help buid your company’s brand and ovoid crisis management.

1. Remind employees to familiarize themselves with the employment agreement and policies included in the employee handbook.

2. State that the policy applies to multi-media, social networking websites, blogs and wikis for both professional and personal use.

3. Internet postings should not disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to the company or to any third party that has disclosed information to the company.

4. If an employee comments on any aspect of the company's business they must clearly identify themselves as an employee and include a disclaimer.

5. The disclaimer should be something like "the views expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of (your companies name).

6. Internet postings should not include company logos or trademarks unless permission is asked for and granted.

7. Internet postings must respect copyright, privacy, fair use, financial disclosure, and other applicable laws.

8. Employees should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on the company's behalf.

9. Corporate blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc., could require approval when the employee is posting about the company and the industry.

10. That the company reserves the right to request the certain subjects are avoided, withdraw certain posts, and remove inappropriate comments.

11. Company Facebook Brand Page Usage Policy: could require approval when the employee is posting about the company and the industry.

12.Employee Code of Conduct for Online Communications: Employees must use company social media account to contact advertisers and customers.

13. Employee Code of Conduct for Company Representation in Online Communications:

14. Employees' all conduct represent the company, must obey company’s policy.

15. Employee Blogging Disclosure Policy: Employees are not allowed to write bad reviews on company.

16. Employee Facebook Usage Policy:only applied to company fanpage and social media login and contact.

17. Company Facebook Brand Page Usage Policy: only give approval when the employee is posting about the company and the industry.

18. Company Password Policy: It is integrate to commercial secrets.

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